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As I type this post my husband of twelve years, this very day, is on the roof of our house.  Our very tall house.  He is hanging Christmas lights that are certain to elicit squeals of delight from the three little hooligans we are honored to call our own {and perhaps a few squeals from his doting and fiercely beautiful wife}. Today is our anniversary and it is the inspiration for my top in the pic above.  I am blessed.  Blessed beyond measure by the loving kindness of the One True God who created a man so perfect for me I didn't even imagine he could exist.  My husband, Mr. GQ, far exceeds anything I had hoped for in a spouse.  He loves me unconditionally, and that says a lot because I come with an ocean of conditions...worry, fear, anxiety, stress, nervous habits, emotional outbursts, a million "best ideas ever!"  I am bossy, arrogant, curious, lazy bones, I loathe laundry and dirty dishes to the point that I rarely do them on time.  I laugh in movies when no one else does, I cry during Extra gum commercials and I sit at home waiting on his phone calls everyday. 

I love his smile, his muscles, his work ethic, his passion for being the best daddy ever, the way he laughs at the crude bathroom humor in movies like he is a 13 year old boy.  I love that he can read me like a book and knows my thoughts just by looking at me, although that doesn't help me at all when I attempt to have a poker face.  Apparently I would suck at poker.   {I've got a full house...I've got a full house...I'VE GOT A FULL HOUUUUUSE!!! Keep cool Jenna. Don't let anyone know.  Right. Uh-huh.}. I love that he still plays team sports because he thrives in competition but he is always most competitive against himself. He doesn't talk a lot but when he does I listen because I usually like to hear what he has to say.  He prays with me, studies the word with me, takes our family to church regularly and is a godly father to our kiddos.  He is logical, thoughtful and faithful. All good "fuls" if you ask me.  I still get butterflies when he comes home from work because I hope I take his breath away in the same way he steals mine.  

There are lots other things I'd love to share but those memories and thoughts are mine and his.  They are precious and irreplaceable and none of your business.  Everyday I spend as his wife, no matter where God takes us in this crazy life, is blessed.  Happy 12 years Mr. GQ. 

Happy #12yearsmarried Handsome.