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You Say Messes I say Messes

A mess is a mess is a mess.  You feel me?  The problem is at this stage in life with THREE little angels who sometimes behave like little daredevils I have no time to clean up my own messes because I am constantly following behind and cleaning up the messes they make.  

This morning is the perfect example.  I decided last night that today will be completely dedicated to getting my laundry room in order…again. {I think I have a four foot countertop in there but I can't remember what color it is.  It is COVERED in layers of paperwork, mail, craft projects, tools, and toys that need repair.}  Today is…was the day.  Angel baby awakened at 6:45 a.m. in typical baby fashion (screaming at the top of his lungs until I appear in his doorway with a bottle of warm almond milk).  Cowboy woke up next because the wrap on his pinky finger/forearm (another day another post) came completely off and he was fuh-reaking out.  This in turn awakened cowgirl who came stumbling down the stairs mumbling that her little brother's tears had gotten her out of bed before seven a.m.  {Waking up this early is nothing new.  We wake up sub 7 a.m. every day which is good come school year time.}  I tended to Cowboy's hand, washing it with hydrogen peroxide, applying antibiotic ointment and rewrapping it while Cowgirl sat with the baby, but when I came back into the living room I found said baby literally painting my wool rug with almond milk!  He had somehow discovered that if he would turn the bottle upside down and pound the nipple on the floor then milk would pour out in big bold streaks…then he'd drag his foot through it.  He's an artist!  I got a wet rag from the kitchen, soaked it up, rubbed it b/c that just felt like the right thing to do and went to make a cup of coffee.  About an hour later Cowboy tripped on a basket holding Cowgirl's beloved ceramic tea set and broke two pieces…lots and lots of wails and tears from her.  I cleaned it up, vacuumed the stairs and promised to glue it back together (one more project into my already messy laundry room).  The baby tried to empty one of my lower cabinets {b/c the baby locks I bought were these new fangled magnetic kind and our cabinets are too thick for the locks to set.  This must be rectified soon b/c I cannot leave Angel Baby in the kitchen and go to the bathroom for fear he is going to swallow some cleaning powder}.  I've changed three dirty diapers in two hours and have yet to feed myself breakfast, BUT all three kids have eaten…some of them more than once already.  My sink is already full of dishes.  

…and now the baby naps.  I had a choice to make:  A.  Blog about this under frankly speaking and let it all out or B. start work on the laundry room before he wakes up and it starts all over again.  I chose A.  Next I hope to feed myself something.