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Here I am, on campus, holding supplies to change a diaper 12 years after graduating.  

I have a lot of nieces and nephews and a couple of them are in college now so I often find myself morphing into my mother and bestowing words/half-hour-lessons of wisdom on them.  {They usually find a lame reason to get off the phone with me if I get too long-winded or they just stop texting}.  They love texting. 

AJ's Words Of Wisdom-Fall 2015

1.  College life, as a dependent on your parents' taxes, is stressful but and not as difficult as being an adult who pays taxes, a mortgage and takes care of small humans.  So, first priority-study HARD.  Then soak it up, have fun {all things in moderation}, stay up late and sleep in late because when you grow up...you can't do that anymore. 

2.  When you are 34 you cannot eat Blue Bell ice cream and candy corn in the fall and fit into cute tailgate dresses.  Learn to snack on raw veggies now.  

3.  The road goes on forever and the laundry never ends {once you have children} so WASH your clothes once a week.  You don't want to be that smelly, disheveled kid in the 9 am class.  And wash your sheets!  It's very important to wash your sheets!

4.  True love is worth the wait...so wait on it.  

5.  All you need is ONE best friend, being popular is overrated and doesn't look good on most people.  

6.  Mom jeans do not look good on anyone and should never come back in style.  Just say no to high waisted jeans. 

7.  Ramen is good.   And cheap.  And makes you retain water like a beast so eat it while you are young, but don't eat too much of it. 

8.  Travel.  Even if you can only afford to travel down the road...go.  Learn about new places.  Visit museums, look at art no matter how weird it looks, eat local foods and journal about it.  You'll be glad you did.  

9.  Sit in the front of the class. You'll be glad you did.  

10.  Go to church every week, no matter what.  It keeps your feet grounded in the Word of God.  Again, you'll be glad you did.