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ISO: Mom Friend, Enjoys Live Music, Hallmark Movies, Workout Leggings As Pants, A Crude Sense Of Humor and Lover of Jesus

Friendship is everything y’all, I mean aside from the given #1,2,3 {Jesus, Husband, Kids}.We all need girlfriends, because they make life easier, and in my opinion, the older you get the more you need them. Today I was gently reminded that the search for mom-friends is a real topic we need to discuss.It can be SO HARD!But being alone is even harder.


When I moved to this pretty little town in the Texas hill country two years ago I knew I was going to need to find myself a friend or an entire group of them.  {wannabereal:  I was so desperate for conversation with an adult that when I went to visit my hairdresser every six weeks I got nervous/excited!  She was the deepest conversation I had for months, and God love her for being so kind as to listen to me and all the crazy that came from my mouth.  Y’all know.  I’m was a mess.  Still am, new day, same me.  @saryn_henk you are the best and you make me feel beautiful every six weeks.  Thanks Babe!🔥}


But the wannabereal truth is you can’t make friends just sitting at home waiting on someone to invite you to do something.  You even have to do more then just show up at that women’s bible study you went to last week...you have to actually talk!  Throw yourself in the deep end and swim dadgumit!  When you find someone that talks back ask them question.  TIP:  People generally like talking about themselves so ask questions until you find one they get excited about and don’t dominate the conversation.  Equally Important: be a good listener.  This is where I struggle, because I can talk for hours upon hours. That woman sitting in front of you may need a mom-friend just as badly as you and has something she needs to say to somebody, anybody, but no one ever takes the time to listen to her!  Be her person, even if just for today.  This method works y’all.  I have proved it time and time again and I have made friends everywhere:  church, the park, a Tex-next restaurant, Costco (seriously great lil story and I am still friends with her to this very minute). 


All this to say being at home full-time with or without your kids is a very lonely job, especially if you have a traveling husband who isn’t at home in the evening to talk and debrief about your day, or maybe a husband who just doesn’t talk.  I’ve been there...still am there y’all, and we all need “our people”.  They come to you when you are sick, bring your Gatorade and grape juice when kids are puking, run carpool when you have three soccer games at the same time in two different locations and only one of you.  They spot the look of panic on your face and come to your rescue when you have no words to defend yourself, they laugh and cry with you, they don’t judge you for your stumbling blocks and failures, {or at least they should not}, they take awesome overnight adventures with you and act like you are all 22 again, and they love you through this big beautiful mess we call motherhood.  Go find your people and hug them tight, then buy matching pajamas and have a sleepover.  Invite me.  I’ll bring the coffee, wine and crude sense of humor.