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Baseball, Babies and Blue Bell

We are Texas Aggies, {that's an important part of our life in case you haven't met me, because if you had then you know this already.  We bleed maroon and we are doing an excellent job of brainwashing, ahem, I mean indoctrinating our three little pledges.}  So this past Sunday we awakened and decided it was the perfect day to all attend our first ever Aggie baseball game together.  {We are die hard Aggie football fans (and season ticket holders and members of the @thehowdycrewtgs) but baseball has never been our thing.  I'll blame that on Mr. GQ.  It's never been one of his favorite sports.}

I packed everything I thought we would need to survive the day away from home (diapers, wipes, snacks for biggins, four jars of baby food, but forgot the spoon-oops, two bottles, two changes of clothes, a veggie tray and protein bars for los padres) and we were set.  We loaded up the family in the Cadi for a short two hour road trip to the promise land.  Seriously, we love it that much.  When we arrived the sun was shining (oh, I did pack sunscreen as well) and the campus was crawling with fans clad in maroon and white.  We were ready to enjoy the great American past time.  It was awesome.  It got even more awesome when we found $15 in the parking lot!  Whoop!  Funnel cakes, a corndog and two waters please.  General admission tickets (I wanted to sit on the lawn) were only $8 per adult and the kids were all free b/c of a special promotion that day.  The stadium, Blue Bell Park, is beautiful and perfect for a family outing. 

I suggest sitting on the 1st base lawn because it is close to the sno-cone stand, Double Dave's Pizza Works tent  (a staple eatery in Aggieland) and the covered PLAYGROUND!  WIN WIN WIN!  Yes I said "covered playground".  It is awesome.  We got our snacks, sat on the hill and watched until my little Diva said she wanted to go play.  Kids must have an adult watching them on the play structure and there is ample room and benches for the parents to be comfy.  Booger and I sat on the lawn of the playground and were still able to watch the game through the fence. 

Mr. GQ and Monster were there for a father/son day but I asked for all of us to tag along so they sat in real seats but not far from us at all.  We wanted Monster to really get the opportunity to see a baseball game and knew he wouldn't watch if he was close to the playground and all the other kiddos in the park.  It worked great and he made it until the 7th inning before he got bored and wanted to come play.  The train came through town only once while we were there but it runs right along the stadium wall and our view was fantastic.  All three kids were super duper thrilled to see it roll past. 

My only suggestion, pack a baseball cap or glove to catch foul balls.  I wish I had remembered one.  A ball landed about 10 feet from Diva, Booger and me and I used my body as a human shield to protect them bc I couldn't see the ball in the bright sky.  I only knew everyone was looking in our grassy corner and waiting on it to land...on someone.  It did not.  A grown man caught it and gave it to a kid.  I sat up and when I did Booger rolled onto his side and my eight month old baby started to roll down the hill!  {Seriously.  Can't make this up.}  I shouted an expletive out of fear and without thinking which made the man in front of me turn around to see what was happening.  I apologized and explained my tiny baby was rolling down the hill which scared me to death and that word flew from my mouth.  My Granny, who was an amazing Christian woman who loved the Lord and her grandbabies, would have laughed b/c I chose her favorite bad word and the only one I ever heard her say...when she used to play video games with me on my Sega.  HA!  I digress.  {I think I digress in every post...}

It was an awesome day.  I seriously recommend this outing to everyone; aggie and non-aggie faithful alike.  But do me a favor, if you have no team to cheer for in the game and refuse to wear maroon...at least where white. 

{CLICK on the pics below...it is a gallery.}