LETS BE REAL:  My two most important jobs in this life are being a devoted and faithful wife and mother to my family.  It's my job {along with my husband} to introduce these three little people to Jesus, what it means to have a relationship with Him and how to serve others on a daily basis.  Through this relationship I hope and pray they find a gauge for their moral compass, find friends who will encourage and refine them and find their way in this crazy world without falling prey to the enemy.  It's our calling to raise three children who love and seek the Lord in a world that fights against all that we strive to instill in them daily.

BUT, I do exist BEYOND my job titles as wife and mother.  I have more to talk about than just the pros and cons of cloth diapers, carpool, organic baby food, reading levels and vaginal birth experiences {with and without drugs}.  I want a place where I can come and release all of my thoughts and emotions and {hopefully} not receive ridicule and judgement for the things I say.  I wannabe real.  I wannabe ME.  The good.  The bad.  The pretty.  AND the ugly.  I hope that my project inspires other women who are like me {because guess what, we are not alone!}  There are other women out there like me who want to take off the traditional mom uniform and throw on a sexy little black dress and stilettos and head downtown for a sweet drink {gasp!} and a night out with their husbands or girlfriends.  We want to have experiences that remind us of who we are on our own and the gifts and talents we have been given.  So here it is.  I took my most favorite interests and broke them down into {F}IVE categories and because I am a sucker for alliteration they all begin with {F}.  I hope you will sit, read, laugh, feel connected and be inspired.