Things I Don't Understand

There are many things in this fallen disastrous world that I do not understand.  

Human Trafficking of men, women…especially children

Children being raped and killed

Children being murdered by their parents and guardians

Children being beaten while someone videotapes it and then posts it on the internet...

This summer alone I have seen two videos shared on Facebook of children being beaten by what I assume is their parent and the purpose of the video is to get me to share it and get more people aware of what is going on, but I don't know where this baby is!  I don't know how to save HIM…the one right there on the screen!  

One video was a four or five year old little boy being beaten in his living room by his father while a woman (I assume his mother watched and videoed).  The second was today and it was a baby about a year old being beaten by a woman as she appears to be trying to get the baby to sleep on a mattress.  Everytime the baby moved and even sometimes when he laid perfectly still and cried {while in the fetal position} she hit him with her hand, pinched him, beat him with a pillow, kicked him with her foot, grabbed him by the face and threw him…I watched about half of it before I couldn't take anymore and was jumping between sobbing, screaming at the computer and wanting to vomit.  

How do I help?  How do I reach through the screen and snatch that baby from that mattress and bring him to my home because I will be his mommy.  I will smother him with kisses and rock him to sleep each night.  

How is it that I, a devout follower of Jesus, watch these videos, get angry and emotional and then get all wrapped up in my sweet Christian American life?  I pray immediately.  I pray when I think of them.  Prayer is our greatest weapon against the devil and his evil schemes.  The thing is I feel helpless because I can't go save the babies I see on my computer.  I don't know where to start… these children can't be adopted.  They aren't in an orphanage waiting on me…they have parents…BAD parents.  They aren't only across the world in foreign countries…they are down the street…in my village…at my church…I see them at the store, on the greenbelts, in school beside my own kids.  They are all around us silently hurting.  How do I help them?

I have no answer to this.  I just knew I needed to get these words down somewhere and this is my paper and pen.  I ran to God.  I prayed…I found scripture but still I sit here feeling helpless and spoiled because of the life I have here.

"Children are a gift from the Lord."  Psalm 127:3

"Teach children how they should live and they will remember it all their lives."  Proverbs 22:6

"Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."  Ephesians 6:4