Dang Thin Mints

The past month has NOT been one of weight loss, but instead one of indulgence and maintenance.  I look back at the past four weeks and see failure after failure (more on that in a bit).  They are defined by all the things I chose to eat that will only make me gain fat and move slow and all the days I missed my workouts.  

Thin Mints

Caramel Delights

Chinese fried rice

A burger and fries (with a ton of salt - I can feel myself swelling as I type)


Thin Mints…Thin Mints…Thin Mints

I got to where I refused to make eye contact with the girl scouts standing outside of Kroger.  "DON'T ASK ME!!!  LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"   Why do those sweet little girls have to come knock on your door all cute and dressed in their sashes with their little badges and pigtails.  Dang it.  I learned I can devour a sleeve of  TM in less than an hour if I eat them casually while doing chores around the house.  

But during this month I also read a post by Lee Labrada which told me to not allow a "setback" to become a "failure".  It is just that, a SETBACK.  I stepped on the scale and I did in fact lose half a pound over the past month in spite of all my own sabotage.  And do you know what I have to say girlfriends, don't let your setbacks define you.  Don't tell yourself to just give into failure and not try anymore this week because of one day, week or a month of missed workouts.  Jump right back in immediately.  It is a LIFESTYLE.  Not a cycle.  

Now let's go eat a handful of veggies or berries and do ten burpees.  No matter how we did yesterday we will feel better about ourselves today.  

Today's weight:  157