I'm about to get REAL with y'all.  We are going to talk about food in a way you may have never thought of it.  Or you thought about it and then you just kicked that thought out the door on it's big ol' fat booty because you don't want to change anything about your lifestyle. 

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19,20) 

I have spent the last decade or so looking at my body and the things I put into it on a regular basis and realizing that God expects me to take care of my body not only by avoiding dangerous substances and activities but also by providing it with the fuel and exercise it needs to operate properly and at its best.  Food should be something you see as FUEL and beneficial to your body…not a way to smother your feelings…which is what I have taught myself to do my entire life.  I eat when I am angry, sad, depressed, hurt, emotional, happy, joyful, excited…I just eat all the time.  And I learned to love processed "food" (that shouldn't count as such because say it with me ladies…"IT AIN'T").  If God didn't make it…it's probably not good for you.  

{Stop real quick and allow me to clarify.  I LOVE food.  I am a total foodie at heart.  I love cream sauces, butter, bacon, stinky cheese, pasta and a great steak.  BUT, that is not the way that I eat on a regular basis.  I try to eat as many raw veggies as possible each day.  {Say it with me in your best southern accent…CROO-DUH-TAY.}  I cook lean meats at home which means we eat lots of chicken and turkey b/c I don't know how to cook fish well and fish scares me.  I don't want to eat farmed fish.  Only freshly caught fish…straight off the boat in Galveston.

But, I am normal person and I STILL crave processed crap and so I thought I'd share with y'all the things (b/c they aren't real food so I can't call them that) I really crave…weekly…sometimes daily and I am training myself to say|scream "NOOOOOOOO!" to them on most occasions.  
1.  Sour Patch Kids (the berry bags are the best)
2.  Little Debbie snack cakes of any type/holiday/shape (although have you had one lately?  They taste like processed crap.  Not as heavenly as they did in middle school when I had a soda and zebra snack cakes for lunch for like a month straight.)
3.  Chips.  All Chips.  I love chips.
4.  Dips.  All cheese based dips.  Guacamole (healthy choice in moderation).  Salsa (healthy choice)  I love dips.
5.  Ice cream loaded with chocolate, caramel and cookie dough….mmmmm
6.  Fries and tater tots
7.  SODA…burn the back of your throat soda

Okay, seven is my fave number so I will stop there and go back to my fresh grapes and strawberries.  

Not even kidding...I found a hidden bag of sour patch kids about ten minutes ago that I had forgotten about; I ripped that sucker open, ate three and quickly realized they didn't taste so good today.  I'd rather have REAL food.  I am making progress ladies.

I for one CANNOT have the items I crave in my house or  In one day.  I have no self control when they are near me and so I try to not buy them often.  I have sour patch kids when we do a family movie night and I will have chips and salsa when we eat tex-mex for dinner, but I can't even tell you the last time that happened.  I try to snack on veggie trays as often as possible and fresh fruit with some type of nut butter.  I gave up dairy and drink almond milk now which is actually very good!  I still cook delicious food made with butter, cream sauces and bacon, but I don't cook them often.  I save them for special occasions and holiday parties and when I do eat them I pay close attention to portion control.  One big tip I have is to load your plate half full with fresh leafy green salad and then you fill the rest with protein and veggies.  I sit and eat my salad first before I eat anything else.

Tips for eating well:

1.  Keep veggie trays or sliced and cleaned raw veggies on hand every day.

2.  Pack your own snacks for the road.  Don't be tempted by fast food.

3.  Load your plate at potlucks and parties with salad and veggies first.d

4.  Drink lots of water all day long.

5.  Give up bread/pasta/rice (whole wheat is all I eat) after lunch if you eat it at all.  You can get a lot of nutrients from other sources besides these carbs.  Try sweet potatoes, quinoa and shredded squash instead.

6.  I drink chocolate protein shakes with peanut powder in them (mixed with almond milk or coconut water) when I am craving a milkshake.  I use this line of shakes:  LEAN BODY FOR HER

7.  Drink your veggies.  I have a Blendtec blender and I love it.  It's a beast.  I blend up all kinds of things and the green makes me think of the Incredible Hulk.  ;0)  Add strong fruit such as pineapple or cranberries to cover the taste of raw greens until you get used to it.  This is the best way I know to get your veggie intake daily.