Pet Peeves: Forming A Line

Tonight we went to our eldest child's first official school program.  I'm talking weeks of rehearsals during school, (doubles on some days instead of p.e. which she definitely did not like), a strict dress code of solid white t-shirt with jeans and standing in a long line for 40 minutes to get into the cafeteria. 

I was prepared.  I had all kids dressed and ready to go at 5:30 so that we could all go to CFA drive thru for dinner and then eat in the car while sitting in the school parking lot.  This plan ensured the best possible parking spot as well as first dibs at the good seats on the front row, because it is hard for a short girl like me to see over anyone's head in front of me...let alone rows and rows of heads.  We arrived at 5:45 p.m. and began the wait.  The doors were set to open at 6:30.  Did I mention it was pouring down rain and we had to unload all three kids, a diaper bag, baby carrier, camera bag, two umbrellas and my purse?  So we get unloaded and stand beneath the cover with plenty of patience.  There were actually about five other parents/grandparents ahead of us and so we did what we have been taught since before first grade ourselves and formed a line.  The line got to about 50 people in length when suddenly one woman and her grandchild decided to completely ignore the line and stand right in front of the doors.  She cut in front of all of us.  I ignored it.  I knew it was time to offer up some grace.  Pat on my back.  Feeling good.  Then about 15 other people decided to stand with her and completely ignore our line, now far exceeding 60 parents/grandparents/impatient children and babies in carriers (one being mine).  Mr. GQ had enough.  He very kindly stepped forward and informed the small mob that a line had formed and some folks had been waiting in it since before 6 p.m. so kindly make your way to the back of the line.  I was shocked when everyone complied.  There was definite mumbling beneath their breath and a few scowls but he didn't care, I was proud of his courage to stand up for those of us abiding by the unwritten rule and courtesy and the man behind us shook Mr. GQ's hand and said "I'll vote for you one day."  

Here is the best part.  When the doors were finally opened at 6:40…they opened the doors at the END of the line so those of us standing at the FRONT of the line since 5:45 were the last to enter.  Oh life is full of irony.