I DO Lunch

I'm one of "those" ladies now…
I do lunch.
without kids.
meaning it isn't a playgroup; it's lunch.
I love it.

You know how when you first become a mom you are soooo excited to organize playgroups and get together with other moms so that you can share stories, swap ideas and let each other know you are not alone?  It's important.  It helps you to become a better mother.  It helps you keep your sanity in the sea of spit up, dirty diapers, restless nights and yoga pants.  But the kids are there, playing at your feet, nursing from your booby, crying when a toy is taken from them.  It is a milestone and necessary in your journey as a mother.

But when you are on your third child; you are over playgroups.  {Don't get me wrong.  I love to mentor and help my girlfriends that are just now slipping on their mommy shoes and I am an open book.  You come on over and I'll make us each a cup of coffee or hot tea.  Ask me any question and I will give you the most honest, God-honoring answer that I can, and if I don't have one I'll send you to a mother who does.}

But let's be real:  I have progressed.  I now see how CRUCIAL it is for me as a mother of multiple kids to make time for ME and ME ALONE.  I do lunch.

We meet every weekly and it is glorious.  We dine on salad, soup, bread and lots of delicious conversations without having to pick up a paci, fork or spoon from the floor.  I don't have to tell anyone "YOU better GLUE YOUR BOOTY to that CHAIR or we are going to the car."  The kids are in good hands and having way more fun than if they were having lunch with me.  It's a win-win. 

I am one of "THOSE" ladies and I love it.  I may have t-shirts printed.  Who wants one?