Grown Up Fun

As you get older "fun" is all relative and as a 30-something mother of three anytime I get to organize anything is deemed fun. 

I'm cleaning out and organizing. Last week I worked on my gift wrapping supplies.  I'm so pleased with myself I may celebrate tonight!

Years ago I sewed this handy dandy gift wrap organizer for all my goodies. It holds scissors, tape, cards, stuffing and what-nots on one side and the other side has four large pockets to hold rolls upon rolls of wrapping paper. 

After baby showers for three babies and years of kids birthday parties I am the proud owner of a ton of gift bags. But I can't throw them away BC they save me so much money!  I snagged these handy dandy hangers at Walmart and they worked perfectly to sort my bags based on occasion. 

Lastly I got a storage box (for free off the curb) and sorted all of my tissue paper by color. It may not stay color classified but it looks great now!  

Let's celebrate!