Training Update

In the past I have referred to posts like this as "weight updates" but that's not what this is anymore.  I am at a place with my weight and physique that I see ME and feel more like myself.  It feels so much better than I felt a year ago y'all!  I still feel like my lower half looks a lot older than my top half but I am killing it on leg dayz and see more muscle tone than I've had since 2010.  Winner winner  baked chicken and raw veggie dinner!

I don't workout anymore; I train.  I've progressed thru my journey and now I am not training for a trip to Vegas (just went in May) or a certain goal on the scale; I am training for life.  I want to be fit for the same reason I became a trainer years ago, because I believe we are called to take the best care of the body we are given and I want to be an example to my children of how to eat well and stay fit.  Don't call me a hypocrite though when you see me at Sonic getting a vanilla coke or a hot fudge Sunday. I still allow myself to indulge on treats occasionally, just not regularly.  (I love the 4th of July BBQ and can't wait for juicy TX BBQ.) I have a whole new list of regular treats I have come up with or found to satiate my sweet tooth  and I will share those on here with you (another post).  I haven't lost a lot of pounds since my last update but I have gained a lot of lean muscle and my clothes fit completely different... in a good way. 

For today, I weigh-in at 144 lbs