W.O.W. 10/23/17

This was my warm up today and I say we lovingly refer to it as ‘Death By Burpees’.The truth is, I’d rather do an hour of burpees than an hour of long distance running.  Although I may not be standing afterward....or conscious.  No worries, this doesn’t take an hour; it only takes ten minutes!This is a perfect workout to do as soon as you wake up to jumpstart your energy or when you start to feel sluggish and today it got me warm and ready for my weights.You need zero equipment; just you!Set a tabata timer (search for a free one in the App Store) to 1 min high intensity and 1 min low intensity.Do as many burpees as possible in one minute followed by a one minute rest.Strive for FIVE complete rounds.I burned 100 calories in ten minutes and kept my heart rate between 133 and 160.


W.O.W 10.9.17

This Workout Of The Week is made to make you sweat and want to quit, but don’t!   It’s a good one and you will be super proud when you conquer it.   It took me 70 min start-to-finish with a warm up on my jump rope and cool down...{and some pauses to parent}.  LOL. #wannabereal.  As always, STRIVE for FIVE SETS of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise.  I burned 562 calories in 70 min and kept my heart rate between 140-158.  Leave me a comment when you add this to your routine this week and be sure to follow me on social media @wannabejenna. 


Workout Of The Week

This week’s full body HIIT routine comes to you from my lovely garage.  All you need is a mat, jump rope and set of dumbbells. {I used ten pound weights and recommend anything from 5-12, depending on your fitness level}.  I warmed up with two minutes of jump rope and then did five reps of each combo with a short break to sip water between rounds. This routine consists of two full-body combos that will really get your heart beating and the full routine (5 rounds) can be done once or twice in a day to boost your metabolism.  Per usual, strive for five complete rounds before you call it a day.  I finished with another 100 jumps on my rope.  It took about 13 min due to some necessary parenting breaks and I burned 130 calories.